How are marstall cereal flakes made?

When it comes to horse feed and cereals, we often talk about broken down cereal flakes and digestibility of starch. But what happens to a cereal grain during hydrothermal digestion? We take you into our production.


Muesli are mixed feeds that are composed of different individual feeds in such a way that the energy and nutrient contents are optimally adapted to the breed, age, state of health or movement and stress of your horse. There are concentrated feeds such as marstall Turnier, lower-energy varieties such as marstall Freizeit or metabolically activating diet products such as the herbal muesli marstall Sinfonie. All classic muesli have one thing in common: They mainly consist of loose "flakes" as well as solid, pressed pellets.

Like oat flakes in human muesli, corn and barley flakes form the basis of a horse muesli.

This is what the corn and barley flakes look like when they are cooled and dried.

The production of pellets is a separate process. We also produce these ourselves in our own mills.

Flake production with steam and roller

But how do we produce cereal flakes at marstall? For this we use the so-called "hydrothermal processing". In this process maize or barley is "broken down" in a steamer with moisture and heat. This means that the starch in the grain is broken down, i.e. it gets a larger surface area and is therefore more easily decomposable for the enzymes. After the steamer comes the roller mill, in which the broken down grain is rolled into a flake. Finally, the flake is dried and cooled so that it is storable and stable.

In the roller mill, whole cereal grains become flat flakes.

Whole cereal grains, after being broken down with hot steam, are rolled into flakes in a roller mill.

Our marstall employees have it in their hands: They see, feel and smell the quality of the basic ingredients.

Quality control of the fresh barley flakes. By the way, the slightly malty aroma that develops during the digestion process can be smelled all over the town.


Finished barley flakes from marstall.

In this image a hydrothermally digested barley grain or ...

Finished hydrothermally digested maize flake from marstall

maize grains, you can see the enlarged, open surface.

We hope you enjoyed the look behind the scenes of our production.

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