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14 Items

Senior Plus

Our Universal-Muesli are suitable for every horse and every demand. Hydrothermally digested cereals flakes and selected ingredients ensure excellent digestibility.

Senior Plus
Feel-good muesli for older horses
20 kg Sack marstall Gastro-Müsli für Pferde mit Plakette "Nominiert für den Equitana Innovationspreis 2022"
Cereal Free

Our special muesli is free of grain and molasses and is characterized by a structure that promotes chewing. They are suitable for all horses and in particular for those that have to be fed low in starch and sugar.

The gentle stomach muesli
marstall Faser-Light
Cereal Free

Our special muesli is free of grain and molasses and is characterized by a structure that promotes chewing. They are suitable for all horses and in particular for those that have to be fed low in starch and sugar.

The low-energy fibre muesli
marstall Mash - Futtersack - Futtermittel zur regulierung der Darm-Funktion, zur Ergänzung

The products of the Plus line are suitable for the targeted optimisation or upgrading of the ration and provide variety in the trough. In addition to the mineral supplements and Mash, the Plus line also includes special muesli with " additional benefits".

The digestion regulator
marstall Wiesen-Cobs

Roughage is and remains the basic of healthy horse feeding. The Structur line offers high-quality hay products from the Allgäu (Germany) to alfalfa mix and broken down straw fibre.

Pure Allgäu nature!
marstall Vito - Futtersack - Pferdefutter mit dem Plus an Energie, Getreidefrei, für Sportpferde, viele Vitamine & Mineralstoffe
Cereal Free

Our special muesli is free of grain and molasses and is characterized by a structure that promotes chewing. They are suitable for all horses and in particular for those that have to be fed low in starch and sugar.

The cereal-free muesli
marstall MashToGo

The products of the Plus line are suitable for the targeted optimisation or upgrading of the ration and provide variety in the trough. In addition to the mineral supplements and Mash, the Plus line also includes special muesli with " additional benefits".

Practical Mash - in a portion
marstall Wiesen-Fasern - Futtersack - Strukturreiche lose Fasern ohne Zusätze

Roughage is and remains the basic of healthy horse feeding. The Structur line offers high-quality hay products from the Allgäu (Germany) to alfalfa mix and broken down straw fibre.

Pure Allgäu nature!
marstall Sinfonie

The products of the Plus line are suitable for the targeted optimisation or upgrading of the ration and provide variety in the trough. In addition to the mineral supplements and Mash, the Plus line also includes special muesli with " additional benefits".

The natural herbal muesli
marstall Bergwiesen-Mash
Cereal Free

Our special muesli is free of grain and molasses and is characterized by a structure that promotes chewing. They are suitable for all horses and in particular for those that have to be fed low in starch and sugar.

The cereal-free mash
marstall Wiesen-Chips - Futtersack - Rohfaserreiches Pferdefutter zum aufweichen, extra viel Struktur, Ohne Zusätze

Roughage is and remains the basic of healthy horse feeding. The Structur line offers high-quality hay products from the Allgäu (Germany) to alfalfa mix and broken down straw fibre.

Pure Allgäu nature!
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