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marstall Apfel-Flakes - Futter im Beutel - leckere, knusperige Apfelleckerlie ohne Zusätze, getrockneter Apfel, für Verdauung

The Nature Muesli with purely native nutrients without additives can be combined with any sufficiently mineralised and vitaminised ration. They are also used when the vet has prescribed high doses of supplements / medication or you want to compose the ration completely according to your wishes.

Naturally crunchy & delicious

The Nature Muesli with purely native nutrients without additives can be combined with any sufficiently mineralised and vitaminised ration. They are also used when the vet has prescribed high doses of supplements / medication or you want to compose the ration completely according to your wishes.

Naturally crunchy & delicious
BodyForm-Müsli - Pferdefutter im Futtersack - Baut Körpersubstanz auf, fördert den Muskelaufbau

Our Universal-Muesli are suitable for every horse and every demand. Hydrothermally digested cereals flakes and selected ingredients ensure excellent digestibility.

The starch-reduced body build-up feed
marstall Amino-Sport - Futtersack - Pferdefutter für Höchstleistung, mit Aminosäuren in Reinform, schnelle Regeneration, Muskelpower

Fast energy, extra power, high-energy and muscle power: our Sports line ensures perfect performance! From a muesli with extra oats to a muscle mix that is easy on the stomach, you will find everything here.

The muscle power muesli
marstall Western ist das kraftvolle Muskelmüsli. Das Bild zeigt Sack und Futter

Fast energy, extra power, high-energy and muscle power: our Sports line ensures perfect performance! From a muesli with extra oats to a muscle mix that is easy on the stomach, you will find everything here.

The powerful muscle muesli
marstall Alpaka+Co

Our Alpaca feed is optimally adapted to the special needs of, for example, pregnant and lactating mares, young animals in growth or stallions. The same applies to the time of wool production, when building up body mass and when llamas and alpacas perform special services, for example during trekking or at auctions.

Alpaka & Co.
The all-round feed for camelids
marstall LeinBits

Die leckere Belohnung für unsere Pferde – weil es so gut tut, ihnen etwas zurückgeben zu können.
Ob klein, groß, mit oder ohne Getreide – in der marstall Bonus-Linie findet sich für jedes Pferd das richtige Leckerli.

The special linseed treat
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